Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How I Met My Husband

The twist at the end of this story was very unexpectedly romantic, and greatly contributed to my liking of Alice Munro's How I Met My Husband. It's funny that the vast majority of the story and the entire plot involving the pilot had nothing to do with the story's focal idea. A lot of the events that unwound around the pilot's presence seemed odd, but no think that's because of the culture and time period during which this story takes place. Though she was very mean to Edie, whom I like a lot, the pilot's fiancée had every right to be angry. She chases the man all around after waiting through such a long engagement, to find him "being intimate" with another girl. The pilot is obviously not a man I good character or is channelling his emotional harm from the war into harm on other people. "It never crossed my mind for a long time a letter might not come." A naive Edie fell in love with the idea of the man and was heart broken when his promise of a letter was never fulfilled. The pilot broke her heart as well. However, I womd say that Edie got very lucky because as a result of her hope for that letter, she found someone who truly loves her.

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